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St. Timothy's on the Hill is an Episcopal Church located in the Greenfield Hill section of Fairfield, CT.

We are part of the Episcopal Church in Connecticut (ECCT), the Episcopal Church, and the Anglican Communion.

Yet much more than that, we are A Place Of Nourishment On Life's Journey


From coffee and refreshments after worship, to Dinner Church, to serving Community Suppers, to donating the produce from our organic garden (and more!), we strive to live out the words of Jesus: "for I was hungry and you gave me food, I was thirsty and you gave me something to drink...just as you did it to one of the least of these who are members of my family, you did it to me."


" does not live by bread alone, but by every word that comes from the mouth of the LORD." A human being fully alive needs to be fed spiritually as well as physically. From our Worship, to our Formation, to all that our Campus has to offer, St. Tim's is a place where one can fill their soul and draw more closely to the risen Christ. 


"The commandments...are summed up in this word, "Love your neighbor as yourself."" Being in right relationship with the community is intrinsic to following where Jesus is leading. That is why we open our playground to neighborhood families, host community meetings and forums, created a cyclist welcome center and look for new ways to build community in Greenfield Hill and beyond.

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We are part of the Episcopal Branch of the Jesus Movement. The Jesus Movement is the ongoing community of people who center their lives on Jesus and following him into loving, liberating and life-giving relationship with God, each other and creation.


Together, we follow Jesus as we love God with our whole heart, soul and mind and love our neighbors as ourselves (Matthew 22:36-40), and restore each other and all of creation to unity with God in Christ (BCP, p. 855).


As part of the ECCT, we are one of over 150 communities of faith devoted to participating in and understanding our roles within God's mission. 

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